Winter lights

After a few years break, I went to the annual “winter lights” event at the ega-park again this winter. I mean, it was in winter time but it did not feel like winter. At least on that day.
Lovely to see how the event spreads more and more over the park with every year. Almost the whole park was being illuminated by various light installations and animations.

As it was an unusual mild day, it had been a comfortable walk through the park with enough patience to find beautiful details. And some delicious Thuringian street food of course. Haven’t eaten a Bratwurst since months at that time.



Little Trabant adventures

Sorry for not posting lately. I somehow got lost in social media. Posting on Instagram and then I forget to post it here. Should think about using IFTTT to streamline such activities.

Not that spectacular right now, as winter has come and we got plenty of snow here as well. But the little Trabant has been with me at Weißsee Gletscherwelt last summer. Hopefully its journey will continue.

The little Trabant adventure continues.

I took this picture on the last evening of this years trip to Sardegna. Again, it was great journey! This evening reflects the whole trip. Sitting on a beach and enjoying the warm wind, the sunset and and the crystal water of the Mediterranean Sea. While having a wine of course.