More or less professional solar eclipse footage

As I told you before, everything worked as expected and this is the result of “Plan C”. This old bridge camera does not have an optical view finder and everything is done by two LCD screens. This makes it uncritical to point directly into the sun and have a look in the tiny LCD view finder. The blurry shape of the sun is caused by chromatic aberrations. The downside of super zoom lens. 

This photo was originally puplished on my Instagram account.

Usefull stuff


Somehow media caught the solar eclipse train to late to bring awareness for solar eclipse glasses into retail business. Among many others I had to choose “Plan B” to observe this years solar eclipse. I’m so glad I could finally benefit from studying 5 semester optics and have built this fancy camera obscura. I also developed “Plan C”, using my old Lumix bridge camera to shoot directly into the sun.

I can tell you: both things worked well!

This photo was originally puplished on my Instagram account.